Happy Birthday Mrs. Winkelbauer!
Today: St. Patrick’s Day! Green Shirt and Jeans Day. NECC Scholastic Contest 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Penny Wars Celebration in HS gym – 3:00 p.m.
Books due today:
Kendall Parks Joe Wiese
Jace Rosenkrans Jadyn Eby
Overdue books/fines: NONE
JH Rotating period: Thursday March 18 is an “A” day.
Thursday, March 18th: Speech Send – Off – 12:55 p.m. in HS gym.
Friday, March 19th: Cardinal Pride Day. JH/HS Mass – 8:10 a.m. Stations of the Cross to follow. State Speech in Kearney.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Irish Nacho’s Pizza
Refried Beans Curly Fries
Corn Broccoli
Cookie Fruit