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Student Dress Code

The school dress code will be a point of emphasis for faculty, staff, students, and parents.​Students are to ARRIVE at school dressed and groomed according to school policy. First period PE students may come dressed for PE class but should still be groomed properly upon arrival.


Please contact the school if you have any questions concerning student dress.



  • Plain white or red, long-sleeved, or short-sleeved shirts with polo collar. All red or white polos issued by St. Mary’s with the school logo are also acceptable, however, no sports logos or specific brand logos may be visible on polos or sweatshirts worn over polos in cooler weather.

  • Only red polos will be allowed in the grade school.  

  • Shirts must be properly buttoned (Minimum bottom two buttons) and must be tucked into the pants (Shirts that are too short to tuck are not acceptable).

  • Students must wear the uniform polo every day except on Cardinal Pride Days or other special dress days.



  • Grade School - solid navy blue; High School only khaki slacks or walking shorts. Shorts must be mid-thigh or longer in length. 

  • Shorts are not allowed from November 1 through the first day of spring.

  • Extreme low-rise slacks/shorts are not allowed.

  • Slacks/shorts must not have holes or rips, must be of appropriate size, and be worn properly.

  • No cargo pants/shorts, painter pants, jeans, denim, spandex, slicks, stretch pants, leggings, or pants with stirrups will be allowed.

  • On Cardinal Pride Days (most Fridays) students may wear appropriate blue jean pants, or uniform shorts only (when in season).  


SKORTS (Grade School Only)

Girls in grade school may wear solid navy blue skorts of appropriate length. During the winter months, black or white tights must be worn under the skorts.



  • Red, white, gray, or black sweatshirts with an approved St. Mary’s logo or issued by a St. Mary’s team/organization is acceptable provided it is not hooded. Please place your child’s name on the label. You may also have the back of the sweatshirt embroidered with your child’s last name.

  • Quarter zips with the St. Mary's logo as long as there are no brands visible on the outside of the quarter zip.



During cold weather students may wear a heavy coat of their choice when outside of the school building. Within the school, gym, cafeteria, commons, and church ONLY the following outerwear is permissible.

  • Saint Mary’s Sweatshirt

  • Other school issued outerwear approved by the administration


Elementary students must bring a coat, jacket, or long-sleeved sweatshirt to wear for outside recess from October 1 through the first day of spring. Even on days when warmer weather is predicted, it is usually not warm enough to go outside without any type of outerwear at morning recess (9:45 am).   



Belts are required in grades 6–12. Belts must be solid black or brown leather only and of appropriate length. No cloth, rope, metal, or fabric belts are allowed.


  • Acceptable shoes include athletic shoes, dress shoes, casual shoes or sandals that have a heel strap. All shoes must be worn in the proper manner. Shoes that tie must be tied.

  • Tennis shoes or other athletic shoes with a non-marking sole are preferred for grade school

  • Socks may be solid white, black, navy, grey, red, or khaki and are a required part of the uniform for both regular and Cardinal Pride Dress Days.

  • Ladies wearing casual boots must wear pant legs over the top of the boots. Boots may not be worn with shorts.

  • (Grade School Only): In the winter, it will be necessary for your child to bring snow boots to school every day. Our playground is dirt and it turns to mud with any moisture. Please help keep our carpets clean! If you are unsure about the type of boot you are bringing, please check with your student’s teacher for clarification.



  • All students are to have their hair well groomed.

  • Young men are to be clean-shaven (no beard or mustache). Sideburns shall not extend below the earlobe. Young men will be sent to the office to shave when necessary and a demerit will be issued. Subsequent violations of this policy will result in further disciplinary action.

  • Young men’s hair must be short enough to be off of the collar, off of the ear, and above the eyebrows. Extreme hairstyles and hair color will not be tolerated. Students will receive one warning and then given one week to comply. If the student does not comply, the student will be sent home, unexcused, until his hair is cut to meet the school’s guidelines.

  • Young women may wear their hair cut short, but extreme hairstyles and hair color will not be allowed. Extremes in make-up will not be tolerated. 



  • Unacceptable items include, but are not limited to the following; piercing of eyebrows, lips, tongue and nose. Body piercing is not encouraged and must not be visible during regular school hours or during any St Mary’s activity or event; whether as spectator or participant.

  • Earrings are not allowed for male students during school or at any school function including dances.

  • Tattoos are not encouraged and must not be visible during regular school hours or during any St. Mary’s activity or event (as spectator or participant).



  • Cardinal Pride Days may be held at least one day each full week of school; usually coinciding with an athletic event or other school activity. All Cardinal Pride Days will be posted to the official school calendar.

  • Students may wear appropriate blue jeans, or uniform shorts ONLY  (when in season)

  • A school T-shirt, uniform shirt, or other St. Mary’s issued shirt maybe worn. Your shirt must celebrate the school or one of its organizations. Shirts must be red, white, black, or gray and the writing/graphics must be predominantly in school colors.

  • St. Mary’s hooded sweatshirts (hoodies) are allowed along with regular St. Mary’s sweatshirts.

  • No athletic wear or athletic apparel such as gym shorts, warm-ups, spandex, or leggings is allowed.

  • Shoes/socks must still conform to the school policy


  • High School teams and organizations are to follow the school dress code during the school day. Athletes may wear their game jerseys/team shirts with the dress code pants (khakis) on game days. The dress code may be altered at the discretion of the administration for special events/circumstances. For women, if the coach allows athletes to dress up, attire must be modest. Skirts and dresses must reach at least mid-thigh or be the same length as her fingertips when held straight down by her side. Rompers (shorts) are unacceptable. Open or partially exposed backs, sides, midriff, and shoulders are not allowed. Neckline must not dip low enough to expose cleavage. Tights and spandex are not allowed except as undergarments. While it is impossible to address every current or new style, a good rule to follow is “keep it covered.”  



  • The school uniform will be worn for Mass unless specified otherwise.

  • Only approved red Saint Mary’s outerwear is to be worn at mass by all students. (No hoodies or unapproved outerwear.)



In case you may be called upon to volunteer, any mandated EMHC or Lector or trained server should come to the church properly dressed.  Proper dress shoes should be worn. Old jeans, shorts or sandals would be unsatisfactory in the Oval Office or in an audience with the Holy Father at any time of the year; therefore, always include proper clothing to be part of your reverence for the Mass at which you encounter the living God and serve him and his people. Your proper attire is part of your adoration and service.



The expected dress code will be specified/enforced by the teacher, coach or activity sponsor with the approval of the administration.

St. Mary’s Catholic School is committed to forming students in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, through the hands of Mary, fostering the formation of the whole person, body, mind, and soul.

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